
Statute of Limitations

Collections Agency Bond and License

General Garnishment Exemption

Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
ALABAMA 3 6 20 20 No Yes*
(privilege license, state & county)
$150 (pop. over 20,00)
$38 (pop. under 20,000)
See federal law.
ALASKA 6 6 10 10 $5,000 Yes $20 initial
$100 initial op.lic.
$100 agy.lic.
$20 br.offc.lic.
All non-res.opr. & agency fees are double except for br.offc.fees.
$192.50/wk., or $302.50/wk. if earnings are sole household support.
Add'l 5 on request
4 or period in foreign state if less $10,000-$35,000 Yes $1,500 orig.lic.
$500 br.
See fed. law, except 100% earnings necessary for support of debtor or family unless used for personal services.
$1,500 hr.
Yes $125
$15 ea. collector
See fed. law. $200/wk. single person, $500/wk. head of household if greater than federal exemption.
No No No See fed. law, except 100% earnings necessary for support of debtor or family unless used for personal services.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
COLORADO 6 6 20 6 $12,000-$20,000 Yes* $250 invest
$300 orig.lic.
$100 ren.
$35 collr.
$25 colln.mgr.
Greater of 75% of disposable earnings per work week, or amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage.
CONNECTICUT 6 6 20 No prov. $5,000 Yes $400
$100 invest.
$250 ren.
The greater of 75% of disposable earnings for the week, or 40 x fed. min. hourly wage.
DELAWARE 3 3 No prov. No prov. No Merc. lic. $50 85% of wages.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3 3 3 No prov. No No No See fed law, except 90% of 1st $200 gross wages per month, 80% on excess of $200 & under $500.
FLORIDA 4 5 20 7 No (Consumer Collns.)
Yes (Commercial Collns)
$600 comm'l
$200 consumer
$200 regis.
$50 invest.
$200 ren.
See fed. law, except $500 per wk. head of household.
GEORGIA 4 6 7 5 No No n/a See federal law.
HAWAII 6 6 10 6 $25,000
$15,000 ea. br.
Yes $25 app.
$40 regis.
95% of 1st $100, 90% of next $100 and 80% of wages in excess of $200 per mo., or equivalent per week
IDAHO 4 5 6 6 $2,000initial bond; up to $100,000 ren., depending on net collins. + $2,000 to indemnify state costs Yes* $100
$100 foreign
$50 ren.
$20 app.
$20 solicitor/colltr.
Greater of 75% of disposable earnings for week., or 30 x fed. min. hourly wage.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
ILLINOIS 5 10 20 5 $25,000 Yes* $75 orig.
$60 ren.
Greater of 85% of gross wages weekly, or 45 x fed. min. hourly wage.
INDIANA 6 10 - Executed before 9/1/82
6 - Executed after 8/31/82
20 20 $5,000 Yes* $50+$5 ea. unlic.emp. See federal law.
IOWA 5 10 20 20 No If collns. exceed $25,000, must notify state and pay $10 fee See fed. law. For consumer cred. transactions, 75% of disposable earnings for week or 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. Consumer may apply to court for greater exemption on basis that it is necessary for the maintenance of the consumer or a family supported wholly or partly by the earnings of the consumer.
KANSAS 3 5 5
No No No See federal law.
KENTUCKY 5 15 15 15 No No No See federal law.
LOUISIANA 3 10 10 10 $10,000 Yes Up to $200 orig./ren.
Up to $100 br.offc.
See federal law.
MAINE 6 6 20 20 $20,000-$50,000 Yes* $400 (2 years) Greater of 75% disposable earnings for week, or disposable earnings over 40 x fed. min. hourly wage. Wages due for wife's or child's personal service. In trustee process, 100%.
MARYLAND 3 3 12 12 $5,000 Yes $200 ea. location Greater of 75% or amount equal to $145 x no. of weeks in which wages due were earned, except in Carolina, Worcester, Kent and Queen Anne's Counties, see fed. law.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
(UCC 4)
(UCC 4)
20 20 $10,000-$25,000 Yes $500 See federal law.
10 $5,000-$50,000 Yes* $225
$125 ren.
$125 mgr. (non-owner)
$50 mgr. (owner)
See federal law.
(UCC 4)
$5,000-$20,000 Yes $500
$500 invest.
$400 ren.
$10 ea. collr.
Greater of 75% disposable earnings or 40 x fed. min. hourly wage. For debtor who has been or relief, 100% for 1st six months after return to private employment.
(3 if MS resident)
No Cert. of Authority $15-$50 After 30-day grace period, see fed. law. Exemptions not applicable to taxes/pensions.
MISSOURI 5 10 10 10 No No No See fed. law, except 90% of week's net pay, head of household.
MONTANA 5 8 10 10 No No No Maximum subject to garnishment is the lesser of the amount by which his disposal earnings exceed 30% of fed. min. wage, or 25% disposable earnings.
5 $5,000 for less than 5 lic. solic.
$10,000 for 5 to 15
$15,000 for 16+
Yes* $200
$200 invest.
$75 ren.
$50 br.
$35 br. ren.
$6 solic.
Greater of 75% disposable earning (85% if head of household) or 30 x fed. min. hourly wage.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
NEVADA 4 6 6 6 $25,000- $50,000 Yes* $250 app. & survey
$100-300 orig.
$200 ren.
$125 br.
$100 ren. br.
See federal law.
NEW HAMPSHIRE 3 3 20 20 No No No 50 x fed. min. hourly wage.
NEW JERSEY 6 6 20 20 or period in foreign state if less $5,000
Surety only
Cert. of Authority $25 filing fee Min. $48 per week, 90% if earnings are $7,500/yr. or less, court may reduce exemption if earnings are greater. Subject to changes under cost of living index.
NEW MEXICO 4 6 14 14 $5,000-$25,000 Yes* $200 orig.
$200 br.
$200 ren.
Greater of 75% or amount each week equal to 40 x fed min. hourly wage.
NEW YORK 6 6 20 20 NYC: No
Buffalo: $5,000
Determined by admin.
90% of earnings for services within 60 days before income execution and any time after. Court may reduce as relates to federal garnishment exemptions.
(UCC 4)
10 10 $5,000-$50,000 Yes* $500 100% of last 60 days' earnings for family support. Garnishment not available as remedy in collection of commercial accounts.
10 $20,000 Yes* $300 invest.
$200 lic.
75% disposable earnings for work week, or amount equal to 40 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater, plus $20 each dependent in household.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
OHIO 15 15 21(judgment lien must be filed every 5 years) 15 No No No Of earnings for preceding 30 days, 30 x fed. min. hourly wage if paid weekly; 60 x if paid bi-weekly; 65 x if paid semi-monthly; 130 x if paid monthly, or 75% of disposable earnings. See fed. law.
(UCC 5)
5 5
3 No No No 75% of earnings during 90 days before execution, 100% of earnings for personal services prior to trial court judgment. Can extend to 50% to satisfy child support order.
OREGON 6 6 10 10 $10,000 (or irrevocable letters or credit) Regis.* $350 orig.
$75 ren.
75% of disposable earnings per week or $170 of disposable earnings per week, whichever is greater.
PENNSYLVANIA 6 6 4 4 Yes Yes % of sales 100% plus marital property.
RHODE ISLAND 10 15 20 20 No No No First $50 of wages. Social welfare payments and see federal law.
SOUTH CAROLINA 3 10 10 10 No Yes (Gen. business) No 100% exemption.
SOUTH DAKOTA 6 3 20 10 No No No 80% and 40 x fed. min. hourly wage, plus $25 per week for each dependent in debtor's household.
TENNESSEE 6 6 10 10 $15,000 1-4 emp.
$20,000 5-9 emp.
$25,000 10+ emp.
Yes* $150 app.fee
$600 orig.
$350 ren.
$100 br.
$25 ea. sol.
See federal law. Add $2.50 per week for dependent child under 16.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
TEXAS 4 4 10
$10,000 No n/a 100% of wages.
UTAH 4 6 8 8 $10,000 Regis. n/a See federal law, or $134/week.
VERMONT 6 8 8 8 No No No 75% of disposable earnings for week, or 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. If consumer credit transaction, 85% or 40 x fed. min. wage, whichever is greater.
VIRGINIA 3 5 20 10 No No No 75% of disposable earnings, or excess of 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. Varies for support situations. Debtor must be sent notice of how to claim exemption.
WASHINGTON 3 6 10 10 $5,000 Yes* $375 orig. app.
$375 invest.
$600 ren.
$300 br. & ren.
75% of disposable earnings, 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. If consumer credit transaction, 85% or 40 x fed. min. wage, whichever is greater.
WEST VIRGINIA 5 10 10 10 $5,000 Yes* $15 80% of wages due or to be due within one year of issuance of execution, or 30 x fed. min. hourly wage. For consumer cred. debts, 80% of disposable earnings a week, 30 x fed. min. hourly wage.
WISCONSIN 6 6 20 20 (or foreign if less) Net worth $15,000 and up; $25,000 bond Yes* $100 invest. (min.)
$100 license
$2 ea. solicitor
80% of net pay; affects earnings for all pay periods beginning with 13 week of service of garnishment on garnishee; also earnings exempt for families below federal poverty level.
WYOMING 8 10 5 5 $10,000 Yes* $200 orig.
$100 ren.
$100 br.
See federal law.
Open Account Years Contracts in Writing Years Domestic Judgments Years Foreign Judgments Years Bond License Fee Federal law exempts from garnishment 75% of disposable earnings per work week or an amount equal to 30 x fed. min. hourly wage, whichever is greater. State laws are listed below, but where fed. law provides larger exemption, it supersedes state law.
PUERTO RICO 15 N/A 15 15 $5,000 Yes* $500 orig.
$500 ren.
75% of last 30 days' earnings for family support.


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*Out-of-state collectors may be able to obtain limited license or may bypass license requirement. Call state collection agency administrator.